Sunday, 25 April 2010

Education Tips from Charlotte Mason

Being committed to following a method of homeschooling based on the educational principles of Charlotte Mason, I've been reading through Volume 5 of her 'Home Education Series'. I'd like to post up some of the helpful tips, truths and suggestion that I've been underlining:
* "The most important thing to learn is knowledge of God. That should be the priority of education." (pg 2 of my notes)
* The child is a whole, complete person with all the possibilities and capabilities already included in his personality. (pg 2)
* The main purpose of education is putting the child in living touch with as much of nature and thoughts as possible. If you add a couple of skills that help the child self-educate, then the student will go into the world after graduation with some ability to manage and control himself, a few hobbies to enrich his leisure time, and an interest in a lot of things. (pg 2)
* Children learn from real things in the real world. (pg 3)
* The child's curriculum should be varied and generous with many subjects included. (pg 3)
* Our job isn't to teach everything about everything, but to inspire interests that will help the children make connections with the world around them. (pg 4)
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