Thursday 31 May 2012

How to be Perfect!

OK, a quick disclaimer before you think I have an ego the size of South America - yes, I know I'm not perfect in the ordinary sense of the word. But it struck me the other day that when God sees me, he sees me as perfect. What do I mean? Let me try to explain...

Falling Short

Inspired by constant, repeat viewings of 'Narnia', my eldest daughter has been bugging me to buy her an archery set for quite a while. I finally came across one here in England, and she's been enjoying pretending to be Queen Susan in our back garden.

It was then that I had one of those sudden 'light bulb' moments. You know the ones... something finally clicks in your mind and you wonder why on earth you'd never thought of that before, it seems so obvious. In fact, probably the majority of you reading this post will no doubt in a moment be rolling your eyes and sighing 'Of course, Catherine, didn't you know that?'. But bear with me please....

In Romans 3 v 23 Paul says that we all "fall short" of God's standards. I don't know why, but for some reason I always pictured a ladder, with me on the ladder and not quite making it to the top...yet. In my mind, therefore, I just had to keep trying... keep climbing...try not to slip down too many rungs.... and perhaps one day, yes one day, I would finally climb to that top rung and get a big pat on the back from God. 

But that's not the picture at all!

There is no way that any of us will ever get to the top of that ladder. The Bible says that "None is righteous, no, not one.." (Romans 3v10)

Instead, God helped me to see the picture of the archery target. Now, there is some debate whether this is what St Paul had in mind when he wrote that we have all 'fallen short', but it seems to me to be a much better illustration. We're all shooting arrows. Sometimes the arrows fall quite near the target. Sometimes the arrows fall a long way away. But the point is that they always miss, they always fall short. And there is nothing we can do, no amount of target practice, to get our arrows to hit the bulls eye.

The most common word in the New Testament for sin is 'hamartia', which literally means 'to miss the mark', and therefore to lose and not win the prize in the archery competetion.

However, there is one person who did hit the target....and no it wasn't Robin Hood! It was Jesus, God in human form. Jesus never sinned. His life was complete, beautiful obedience to God the Father.

The Amazing, Humbling Beauty of God's Grace

Now, here's the amazing bit. Jesus came to die so that we could claim that we had shot that arrow that hit the target and not him! And he would take responsibility for all of those arrows that had fallen short and missed the mark.

Yes, if we have put our faith in Jesus, then when God sees us He doesn't see our sins and shortcomings but instead the perfect righteousness of Christ (Hebrews 10v14, 2 Corinthians 5v21). We've won the archery competition! There is a crown waiting for us in Heaven!

Being Released from Perfectionism

In my 'light bulb' moment I suddenly realised that God already sees me as perfect. Of course He knows how I regularly fail and mess up this side of heaven, but my eternal destiny is sealed - I have already won the prize. And knowing that God already sees me as perfect meant that a huge burden suddenly slipped off my shoulders. I don't have to keep trying to be perfect! I don't have to strive towards perfection! All God is asking of me is to love and obey Him. He doesn't mind if my kitchen floor is a mess, or if I haven't ticked all the homeschooling boxes today. 

How to be Perfect

Have you spent the day loving God and loving other people to your best ability today? Well, then, it's been a great day and God is smiling at you! In fact He is singing over you (Zephaniah 3v17). In His eyes, you're perfect!

Abide in Him!

Linking up at: Beholding Glory, Time-Warp Wife and Women Living Well

Tuesday 22 May 2012

Thoughts About Home Leave So Far....

I'm sorry I've been quiet on the blog for a while. Life has just been so busy recently, and I just haven't seemed to find the time to sit down and write a blog post....until now :-)

We're officially halfway through our 6-month home leave - gulp!


* Reconnecting with family and friends
* Everybody here speaks English - I don't have to worry about not being understood
* The huge (if not rather overwhelming at first) choice of food at the supermarket
* Being by the sea - yay!
* The chance to get a few health questions investigated by doctors
* Charis getting to take swimming lessons at the local sports centre
* Nathaniel's English is really taking off now that he's surrounded by people speaking it
* Sophie's reading is also really improving now that English signs and notices are all around us
* Having willing babysitters (a.k.a The Grandparents) just 15 mins away
* Getting away for 2 nights just the 2 of us - the first time we've been away from the kids from sunrise to sunset since Sophie was born 7 years ago
* Our trips to London, where we've seen
           * the dinosaur bones in the National History museum
           * the Wizard of Oz performed at the West End
           * the changing of the guards at Buckingham Palace
           * lots of double decker buses (or ducker decker buses as Nathaniel says)
           * the Queen. Ahem... yes.....we saw the Queen!!


* We've done SO much travelling as family, visiting various friends and supporters, that we actually feel EVEN MORE tired than when we first arrived, if that's at all possible!
* The children are missing their Russian friends (and our dogs).
* The rain. We forgot how much it rained in England. To be fair, it was the wettest April in the UK since records began over 100 years ago. Trust us to be here for that :-)
* Yes, we did see the Queen, but we stood in the freezing cold for 2 hours and endured 2 hail storms (in May!!) only to see her decide not to walk past us but to get into her car instead. Well, I can't blame her.

Qu: Are any of you on home leave at the moment? Or if you travel a lot, what are your impressions when you come 'home'? As always I love to read your comments.

Abide in Him!

Linking up here:

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