Friday, 13 November 2015

5 Tips for a Stress-Free Run-Up to Christmas

During the eleven years that we lived in Russia we had to work hard to make Christmas special, since the 25th December was an ordinary working day. Yet in many ways it was very freeing to avoid all the materialistic hype and to be able to focus instead on developing our own meaningful, family traditions. Our first Christmas back in this country was a bit of a shock and ended up being rather stressful! Since then, we’ve been more intentional about what we say yes to, and how we celebrate as a family. Here are some things we’ve learnt:

1)      Set your priorities

Take some time to think what is most important to you at Christmas time. Is it being with wider family? Giving gifts to people in need? Serving your church or community? Offering hospitality? Choose one or two things. 

2)      Don’t be afraid to cut back

With your priorities in mind, think where you can cut back on extra, unnecessary tasks or obligations that just end up causing stress. Do you need to send out all those Christmas cards? Do you need to host that drinks party? Could you agree with your family to send fewer presents this year or do a ‘secret Santa’ instead?

3)      Plan ahead

Start making a plan now: when you need to start writing cards, who you’re buying presents for, when you’re going to fill your shoebox for Samaritan’s Purse, when you’re going to put up your decorations, what your menu plan is for Christmas Day itself…. If you get this all down in writing in good time then it’s much less likely to sneak up on you and cause you stress at the last minute. You can also see at a glance if you’ve just got too much going on and you need to say no to something.

4)      Focus on Jesus

Now that you’ve taken care of the usual Christmas obligations, take time to think about how you can focus on the real meaning of Christmas this year. Can you make the nativity scene the central Christmas decoration in your living room instead of the tree? Do you have an advent wreath and advent candles? Is there a special devotional you can follow throughout advent? Are there special crafts you can do with your kids* or books you can read?

5)      Enjoy

It’s such a shame that Jesus’s birthday celebrations end up causing us so much stress! Think how you can enjoy the season instead, for example by playing special Christmas music, lighting candles, using advent calendars to increase the anticipation, attending carol services. What is it about the Christmas season that you particularly love?

Wishing you all a peaceful, joyful, stress-free run up to Christmas!

*Recommended resource for families:
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