Happy New Year!

Have you read 'Holiness' by J.C. Ryle? It's an excellent book that, even though it was written over a century ago, still is very applicable to today. In fact it's often funny to read what he says about his culture and realise that not much has changed in all that time. Anyway, Bishop Ryle has much to say about growing in holiness, and here's a prayer we can use to reflect on how we're doing spiritually from year to year. I hope you find it useful...
Prayer for Growth
1) An increase in humility - that I would feel my own sinfulness and unworthiness more every year.
2) An increase in faith and love towards the Lord Jesus Christ - that I may find more in Christ to rest upon every year and rejoice more that I have such a Savious.
3) An increase in holiness of life and conversation - that I may get more dominion over sin, the world and the devil every year.
4) An increased spirituality of taste and mind - that I may take more interest in spiritual things every year.
5) An increase in charity - that I may be more full of love every year, love to Christians and to all people.
6) An increase in zeal and diligence in trying to do good to souls - that I may take a greater interest in the salvation of sinners every year.
Here's another helpful resource, from Ann Dunagan of Harvest Ministry, that helps us evaluate and plan strategically at the start of the new year.
Wishing you all a very joyful and fruitful 2012!
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