As you might know, if you're a regular reader of my blog, we're working our way through the nature study challenges over at the Handbook of Nature Study Blog. Back in April, we were having a very wet and windy time here in England. It turned out to be the wettest April ever, in fact, since records began in 1910! After one particularly stormy Friday night, our family decided to head down to the beach. We were amazed at what we found! There were so many interesting things that had been washed up onto the beach by the storm!
I couldn't find an Outdoor Challenge that related to beach study, but I thought I'd include the photos we took of our findings.
Firstly, Sophie and I counted 15 different types of seaweed!
We also found several crabs and hermit crabs, as well as cuttle fish:
There were many different kinds of shells:
Other finds were the wing of a poor seagull, and some dead fish.
We took a lot of our treasures home, laid them out on kitchen towel to have a better look, and then Sophie, Charis and I sketched one of the crabs for our nature diary. We then had to throw all our treasures out pronto since the smell in the house was becoming rather unpleasant!

Linking up here: