Saturday 1 January 2011

Becoming a Worshipper

For the last few weeks I've been working through Linda Dillow's book "Satisfy My Thirsty Soul: For I Am Desperate for Your Presence." She is writing for those of us who want to experience more of God and a more intimate relationship with Him, and her advice is that the way to do that is to focus on worship. This is an area I've found a little difficult: my prayers tend to be more of the 'Please can you do this and this' type than the 'Lord, You're amazing and we bow in Your presence' type. Early on she asks the question: Have we mixed up the order of the first and second commandment in Matthew 22v37-39? Are we first and foremost a lover of God or a worker for God? I had to be honest that I was actually the latter.

I'm excited to be working through the 12-week study guide connected with this book. Again I've been convicted that I should be spending more time in God's word, so one of my New Year's Resolutions is to read through the Bible in a year. I chose this reading plan because I liked the way it was broken up into different topics, which hopefully will help me avoid getting bogged down in Leviticus as usual and giving up on the whole thing. The Father seeks worshippers who will worship in the Spirit and in truth. Linda suggests that "To worship in truth is to worship truly. This means you must know God's word and be sincere." I'm also hoping to spend more time memorising Scripture.

I wanted to finish by sharing with you my answer to the question: What does face-to-face intimacy with God look like to me?:
   "Knowing wholeness, completeness in His presence. Feeling totally loved and understood. Hearing His voice and knowing what He wants me to do. Feeling uninhibited in my expression of love and adoration towards Him. Wanting to be with Him every second of every day. Feeling contentment, peace and knowing that I am in the centre of His will for my life. Having a wonderful purpose, joy, hope and zeal for life. Feeling unrushed, unhurried, calm. Sensing a greater love for others flow out of my love for Him. Knowing His power at work within me enabling me to accomplish all that He wants from me. Being able to lift every burden into His open arms and know His peace and assurance. Completely trusting in His goodness and faithfulness towards me."

If I come even a little bit closer to experiencing this in the next 12 months then 2011 will have been a good year :-)

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