Tuesday 4 January 2011

Witnessing amazing events in creation, from the small to the large

Last week we noticed that the little brown hairy caterpillar that we put in a jam jar last June had finally hatched! After we captured it, it only spent a couple of weeks eating the leaves we gave it before it turned itself into a chrysalis at the bottom of the jar. It then stayed there for ages, and we didn't have much hope of seeing it turn into anything. But then, the other morning, I was dusting and noticed a white insect on the walls of the jar. It had turned into a beautiful White Ermine Moth. It really was very pretty - furry white with little black dots and a yellow abdomen. We had to release it in the garden, but we were worried about it because it's winter now. Perhaps it got confused in our warm house and came out too early. Still, the children were very excited to witness its miraculous transformation.

The second amazing event took place today. We were walking in the park at midday when we noticed there was a partial solar eclipse taking place! We hadn't seen the news for a while so weren't expecting it. It was quite cloudy so we were able to look at it long enough to see what it looked like. The moon was covering about half of the top of the sun, but the day didn't seem darker because of it. It lasted quite a long time. If only we'd had our camera! When we got home the girls drew a picture of it for our nature diary.

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