Tuesday 28 April 2015

Homeschooling in the UK - 3

We've been enjoying some amazingly warm weather here in the UK recently, and being homeschoolers we've been doing lots of nature walks and reading books in the garden. It's wonderful to have the freedom to do that, which is a point that I'll make in a future post. Today, however, I'd like to talk about extra curricular activities.

Pro: The Freedom to Choose From a Large Number of Extra Activities

When we lived in Russia there wasn't an awful lot for the kids to do, really. They enjoyed local art and dance lessons, but those had to be twice weekly. You see, when you committed to doing something, the ethos was that it was 'all or nothing'. Music lessons, for instance, were a five-day-a-week commitment at the special music school. Even swimming lessons were three times a week, with floats tied around the child with rope and an instructor with a stick (no parents allowed near the pool). We decided against the swimming!

Back here in England a whole host of possible activities opened up: Brownies, street dance, trampolining, choir... There was less pressure, but they were more expensive, and the kids were tired after their day at the local school.

Now that we're part of the homeschooling community even more possibilities have opened up. There seems to be something you could do in a homeschool group pretty much every day of the week. So far we've done a fantastic weekly art class, archery, meet-ups in local parks and a series of 'forest school' afternoons, where the kids learnt to whittle wood and toast marshmallows over a fire. Being homeschoolers we can also get a cheap rate at the local swimming pool during school hours, which we take advantage of regularly, and our local tennis courts have very few people around then either. In addition the kids have kept up their other 'after-school' activities: Brownies, Guides, Boys Brigade, football and gymnastics.

Homeschooling has allowed us freedom to chose from more activities, often at cheaper rates, at times that suit us best as a family, and the children are generally less tired and able to enjoy them more.

Con: Learning When to Say No and Stay At Home Instead

I suppose this isn't really a 'con', but sometimes you can have too much of a good thing! When we first got back into homeschooling I felt like I ought to be going to lots of homeschooling activities simply to meet people and for the kids to make friends. I used to check the facebook pages all the time to find out which events were on, who was organising a 'meet up', what new activities were being offered, and to be honest it was making me a bit anxious. It's never good to compare yourself too much to other homeschoolers -we're all different! Eventually I realised that our homeschool ran better, and I was much happier, if we didn't try to do too much. The kids still seem quite happy with their other, non-homeschooling friends, and we're not blowing our budget. I'm also learning to spend less time on facebook and more time just enjoying being at home with my children!

Do you have any thoughts on getting the right balance with extra curricular activities? Please leave a comment, I'd love to hear from you.

Abide in Him!

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  1. I have often thought that I'm glad we don't have all the many options that there are in the USA or UK! We could never afford to pay for them or to run around like that. For me, my own balance is that I have to stay home. So, our children can do anything that they get to themselves. They also have to be able to do it all unstressed. So, I have one child who "just" does music school. (I say "just," because even that is a lot. He goes almost every day of the week, and he's getting a serious music education.) And I also have one extreme extrovert who does art school and music school and church choir and anything else that she can fit in. :-) Oh, also, we don't go out anywhere in the mornings, but there's not really anything offered then anyway; school at home in the mornings, activities in the afternoons.

    1. Hi Phyllis! I agree, sometimes it's nice not to have the options :-) I preferred our slower pace of live in Russia. We have to work harder to maintain it here. But it is great to have so many opportunities to follow their interests and gifts - it all comes down to being wise about how we spend our time and our money. How are you all doing? There's not much in the news at the moment about your part of the world. Are there signs of hope or is it still bad?

    2. It just seems to go on and on, up and down. Maybe it's getting better? But the ceasefire definitely isn't holding. It never did. We're fine, though.

  2. I've just found your blog. I'm another UK Christian home educator. I know exactly what you mean about having almost too many activities. We are in London and could be out on trips morning, noon and night without all the options of different groups. We have scaled back to one main group. Some one once said to me that you have to be at home to home educate. I'm not sure that it is 100% true but it is at least partly true.

    1. Hi Sarah. Glad you found me :-) Yes, I've heard that said before too. You must have lots going on in London. How long have you been homeschooling for?

    2. We've been home educating for just over six years now. We took one child out of school and the younger two have not been to school. It is interesting because our eldest two both went right through the school system.
      Can I add you to my UK Christian home education blogger list? I hope to update it at the beginning of June.


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